Then he told me how he's never mowed his lawn. I mentioned that I needed to put gas in the mower and he said, "like from the gas station?"
I did mow the lawn, during which I had multiple adventures. One of the wheels decided to bust, and only move when it wanted to. The plastic piece attached to it cracked, and wet pieces of grass were lodging themselves between it and the wheel, stifling movement. I went to the garage and grabbed the first tool I could find (a spade, I think) to dig out some of the grass. It looked like frozen spinach, which I don't like, by the way. So every few strokes, I had to kill the motor, dig out some spinach, and continue on. I also kept running into low tree branches, from which pollen would fall on me, causing me to think, "oh great. This is good for my allergies."
Also, my neighbor slowed his car down, and I realized he wanted to talk to me, so I killed the motor for about the 10th time. His dog was in the passenger seat and he (my neighbor, not his dog) said, "I saw you looking at Mac the other day in the window [I was looking at Mac, he's cute], so I thought you'd like to meet him." Precious. So moral of the story: mow your lawn, and you'll meet cute puppy dogs.
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