Last Friday included a milestone event in my life. I went to Victoria's Secret for the first time. And I purchased something.
My Christmas list looks a little something like the following:
-graduate school acceptance letters
-chocolate covered raisins
So. I took matters into my own hands on Friday and went ahead and purchased some sweatpants. (From Victoria's Secret, if you didn't see where I was going with this.) I really had no intention of entering VS, much less the mall, as I never have intention of entering a mall, and when I do I let my nose guide me to the soft pretzel stand and then get the H out of there.
My friend Caleb and I went to see Fantastic Mr. Fox (indeed fantastic--hilarious, including such lines as "Why is your cousin such a wet sandwich?") on Friday, and afterwards we were driving towards food when Caleb mentioned the mall.
He immediately imitated my answer which was: "[Siiiiigh], I could go for mall food court food, but not for mall shopping..."
Caleb was driving so we landed at the mall. He needed to get some gifts for some gal pals, so we ended up in VS. This is where I purchased my new, delicious, blue, soft, thick, glorious sweatpants. Mmm, sweatpants...How I have always loved thee...
Saturday morning I was showing off my new sweatpants to my Mom, told her where I got them from and, putting two and two together she paused and asked, "You didn't go to Victoria's Secret with a 17 year old boy, did you?"
"He's 18, Mom," I reassured her.
Caught off guard by her laughter, she accepted my counter offer and let the issue go.
thoughts on the game mall madness? i think its pretty fantastic!