About a year after we all got back from our semester in Namibia, I felt honored to be among a select group of people who received the following 3 pictures in an email from Olaf. Without a doubt one of the most random pieces of communication I've received in my lifetime thus far.
A couple of months ago my computer was on screensaver mode and my dad saw one of the pictures pop up and said something like, "Who are the good lookin' guys?" I told Olaf about it and he told me that his mom, who I believe is a professor of Psychology or Counseling, has one of the pictures framed in her office at school. The best part is, he says, no one ever says anything to her, they just eye it warily and wonder about her silently. He says they probably think they are her clients/patients.
Here they are (Olaf is the one in the pink boa) :

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