Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I have a problem.

Well. Actually. Lots.

But one in particular: I worry when people leave their garage doors open at night. Close them, People! Do you want people just walking into your house in the middle of the night?!

I don't worry about people getting robbed, I worry about their personal safety. If someone takes your TV, well that's unfortunate, but I would think, 'Well I'm so glad you're all right.' But if someone walks into your house and causes you harm, or they try to rob you, you start stumbling around because you hear them trying to rob you, and then they cause you harm...Friends, for the sake of me and my overactive imagination, please just take the extra second to make sure your garage is closed. I will (literally) sleep better at night if you do.

The Daily Bailey Public Safety Commission (DBPSC)

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