Monday, May 30, 2011

Richard Mulligan--what a cutie

I wrote some headlines tonight.


I also caught a spelling error on an Associated Press story--"sight," guys, not "site." C'mon.

Please don't read this as bragging, it's actually not that impressive. Or maybe it is, I don't know. I'm just writing about it because I need to write about something for this here blog.


So my friend Corie's getting married this weekend, that should be funnnnn. I hope that I don't cough all night before the wedding or I might be fired as a bridesmaid (since all the girls are bunking together). I'm poppin' some amoxicillin twice a day and hopin' it kicks this nasty coughin' habit.

I'm not sure why I'm talking so gangsta right now. I must be bored.


Anyway I will say there is one "perk" to being up super late coughing. The coughing SUCKS, don't get me wrong, but.


The other night I was channel surfing, and Empty Nest--


came on TV!

I was soooo excited! I even commented about it on Facebook, but it was the middle of the night so no one commented in response. Or, perhaps I'm the only person amongst all my Facebook friends who ever watched that show.

I was telling Jake tonight about it and he said maybe I watched it with my parents and I told him, "I don't think so."

Seriously, I have memories of watching that show--and loving it--but I do not recall my parents watching it.

What a weirdo show for a seven or eight-year-old to watch! It's about a widowed, middle-aged pediatrician and his two 30-something daughters, his not-so-bright but charmingly Southern assistant (nurse?), and some sleazy/annoying neighbor.

Have I always been an old soul? Probably. I'm making the argument here, of course, that Empty Nest was a show not designed for the youngin's. Not that it's terribly inappropriate. It's just, well, the premise--read above.

Have I always had bad taste? NO. Because even if I was one of only so many who watched that show, I think it was quality.

Annnnd after looking up this little clip for you to enjoy below, I think I might be bonding with YouTube quite a bit in the next week or so to get refreshed on my Empty Nest. Hollerrrrr. Enjoy--you will!:

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