After work today I did my usual ritual of checking the email while channel surfing, giving myself a chance to sit, zone out, eat something, be away from customers. Well it was raining (with thunder), and I was thinking, "Well I guess I'll have to run inside at the gym."
And let me just tell you. The thought of that made me sad. I just dreaded the idea of running on a treadmill, I was like a little kid going, "Mommy, pleeeeeease don't make me run on the treadmill!! Make the lightning go away!" (It should be mentioned here that I love rain more than just about anything and never complain about it, so my point here was that I didn't want to run inside. It could have rained all day and I would have been an extremely happy camper. Ahem. But I digress.) Well I gave the rain some time, and it did stop. I checked weather.com. I eyed the somewhat dispersing clouds, threatening them with my stare. I stepped out onto the deck and was surprised. And delighted. "Ooh. It's cool out here." And it was, it was in the 70s. I decided to go for it, and I headed to the trail.
And it was perfect. I hadn't run in 3 days, so I thought I would suck, but I did 5 miles and it was amazing. I even found this blasted trail head that a week ago I could not find.
Fast forward before I bore you. Blah blah blah, I drove home. I parked the car in the driveway before parking it in the garage and took all of the crap out of it. Let me repeat, took all of the crap out of it! Some of you avid Daily Bailey followers may recall a post entitled "The Mitsubishi Abyss." Well this was a very popular post, listing all the embarrassing items left in my car over the course of who knows how long. Well I told Kristen yesterday after our movie date (it was more than any movie date, it was our 7-year anniversary as holders of driver's licenses) that I had considered a sequel post, but that I think I am too embarrassed of what came out of my car today to share it even with you, my dear friends. The point is, I cleaned it. So so far, pretty productive list of actions being accomplished today. And to finish the list (well really this post is finishing the list), I did some dishes.
I'm not going to say I did "the" dishes, because that might imply they are all finished. They're not. There is an everlasting mountain of dishes in my kitchen. I found myself organizing dirty dishes this evening, just because I was out of room to put clean, wet dishes, too tired to wash another one anyway, but needed space to butter my toast! Which brings us back to the toast.
Post dinner and shower, post opening of the care package from Mommy and Daddy (!! complete with new running shorts and a dress, both picked out by Dad--the man has fantastic taste), I decided I needed a little somethin'-somethin' to finish off the tummy rumblings. Cinnamon toast! Mmm. Bread into the toaster, as high as the setting will allow of course. Head to the cabinet for a plate. Don't make it because I look around and realize every last inch of counter space is covered in dirty dishes. Guys, this is embarrassing. I will be the first to admit that I am a slob, that I hate to clean, that I don't clean. It gives Brad panic attacks all the time, and he loves to add it to the list of reasons why our marriage will fail (he also has continual lists going of names for our future children, our future living arrangements...so who knows).
Well I had had it. I loaded the dishwasher to capacity, added the soap, closed the door, then hand washed a bunch more until my hands couldn't handle being in water anymore. Then I organized all the dirty dishes remaining into an organized section, asked Riley to take out the trash (which he did), and then! Then. I took the toast out of time out--where it had waited in the toaster for 30+ minutes--buttered it, sprinkled some cinnanim-nim-nim on top, brought it upstairs, and polished it off while writing this little treat pour vous.
And what we have remaining, now, is yet another dirty dish. Hope I have the counter space to accommodate.
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