1. I am not competitive.
2. I am very polite, and have always let the other girl have "him." Occasionally lame, I know, but true.
I also think this pressure pot environment of the houses they all live in would make me crazy. As for ANTM, I think what would be harder than the photo shoots for me would be figuring out what to wear on a day to day basis, especially to judging. These girls will walk in to judging and I think, "Oh look, she's so cute," and then Tyra tells them they "don't look like a model today." Yikes! Other girls would be worried about being sent home, about So-and-so who left her dirty dishes in the sink that morning, I would be like, "Can I wear jeans??? Or will Tyra yell at me? Models wear jeans, right?!"
As for The Bachelor, well I think it would be hard to advertise myself. I'm an obnoxious, loud, (yet charming) outgoing lady, but I'm not sure that in these living room extravaganzas with champagne and extreme jealousy and cattiness that I would start dancing on a table for Mr. Man's attention (okay maybe I would) or go up and grab his hand and steal him away to the poolside to tell him how great I am.
Now The Bachelorette, on the other hand, overwhelming for a whole 'nother slew of reasons. First, amazing collection of eye candy, can I get an amen? But second, how on earth do you handle essentially dating 25 guys at once? At first it sounds like a dream, but think again, no way. And then eliminations, I'd be thinking, "Well can we keep him around just to look at?" even if I knew we weren't compatible.
Well I think I've officially bored you now, but I think if we're all honest here we've all imagined ourselves as reality show stars. Come on, admit it. Every time you see one of the competitors say something completely disrespectful and awful you think, "I have so much more class than that. I could win this competition better than she could." And more importantly, you want to meet Tyra too.