There was the moment that a woman started singing very high in a song we were listening to, and Riley did a double take towards the cd player, and I started cracking up.
There was a bag of carrot sticks that created a lot of...tension between us. I never would have brought carrot sticks as a so-called road "snack," yet Riley felt this was appropriate. I made fun of the carrot sticks, he ate them, I ate one or two, he asked me to put the bag back in "the fridge," meaning the cooler, and I made fun of him for that. I also did not put the carrots back in the fridge/cooler, which Riley did not discover until we were unpacking the car, at which point he got very offended for the carrots and said, "you will buy me new carrot sticks!" But the best moment involving the carrot sticks was when Ri bit into one in particular and said, "This carrot tastes like the doctor's office!"
After arriving on campus, we moved Riley into his new campus-provided housing apartment, and I almost vomited in response to how nice the place is, considering I lived in dorms built in the 60s. The same dorms my mother lived in, guys. And Riley's apartment has a "theater" in the lobby, with recliners for him and his friends to watch movies.
Riley introduced me to the new university president who has taken over since I left, and said president is very kind. He also provided me with some very intense eye contact that I was not prepared for, and asked me many questions about my graduate school search.
There was a handsome man in the stairwell of the apartment, there to fix the wireless internet connection (clearly this man is handsome and handy, as I am successfully posting here), who held the door for me, and I refrained from chasing him down the hall.
I know we just got here, but I always pack in haste, and nothing was different this time around thus I packed a bunch of dirty clothes, so I currently have a load of laundry in the wash. As I loaded the washer I realized it is one with a clear door, so you can watch your clothes being tossed around in soapy water (awesome). I called to Riley, "We should get one of these for Dibbs, he would just sit here and watch the entire wash cycle." Five minutes later, Riley called to me from the kitchen, "Bailey?"
"Are you just sitting there watching the whole cycle?"
And the answer to that question would be nothing other than "duh."
(By the way, the above comic has been taped to our washer since my childhood, compliments of Dad (the not-so-closet cat lover)).
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