Sunday, June 27, 2010

On my mind

My cat is sick. When I came home from work on Thursday my heart just sunk for him. He looked tired and sad on the carpet. We took him to the doctor on Friday and he wasn't overly concerned; he gave Dibbs an anti-inflammatory injection and asked us to watch him. He seemed in brighter spirits the next day, but today he just sat, crying, which I've never seen him do. Then he started hissing. When I left the house he was resting in his favorite closet, and purred while I pet him. His mood just seems to be back and forth, and I am worried in a way I haven't been before; I feel like a mother with a sick child.

And then I went to this website: A young woman from my church who is only 24 and just newly married suffered a stroke last month, and has been in D.C. recovering. Just this last week she was flown to Chicago for rehab. I watched the video her husband made of her flight and cried. I read the journal entries about her struggle and brave and faithful recovery.

I am sincerely worried about my cat. He is the closest thing I have to a child, in the sense that I care for him deeply and he understands that care and so I feel helpless when his eyes are sad instead of bright, and he meows at me for a reason other than his normal reason, which is "feed me." But my spouse isn't recovering from a stroke. I'm not recovering from a stroke. Amy and her husband Johnny are astounding to me. I can't imagine I would have such strength and heart in a similar situation. Maybe I would. But regardless I think we should all look to people like them with humility, and take notes.

We're praying for you, Amy. Keep it up. Keep dancing. I'll try to do an extra good job on the barre tomorrow in your honor.

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