Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Why I fly the rainbow flag

My boyfriend and I can go anywhere we want, anywhere in the world, and no one will look at us sideways. He can grab my hand and I can hold it easily for blocks and blocks. I can take his face in my hands, leisurely gaze at him, and then let my lips rest on his for as long as I want. It may be unwelcome by some, but it is nothing that will make a national headline or cause party lines to divide.

I fly the rainbow flag for those who have to keep their hands to themselves on city streets.

I have never laid awake at night, fearing that my romantic feelings for someone are something I can't comfortably talk about with people, even those closest to me.

I fly the rainbow flag for the ones who will lie awake tonight.

I have never had to plan, for years of my life, how I would tell my family that I felt attraction to a certain portion of the population.

I fly the rainbow flag for those who think: "Maybe tomorrow I will tell them."

I've never been called a really terrible, derogatory name.

I fly the rainbow flag for those who have been called anything too awful to type here.

I can dress however I want and comfortably make conversation with others. I don't have to feel like others are measuring my outfit, hair, or makeup choices and gossiping about my perceived sexuality as a result.

I fly the rainbow flag for those who have to think too deeply about their wardrobe.

I don't have to spend most of my time socializing with other people who share my sexual orientation in order to feel most at ease. I can go to any bar, gay or straight, and be comfortable and, moreover, accepted.

I fly the rainbow flag for those who feel like they can only go to LGBTQ friendly clubs, and I fly it because many of them probably don't even feel safe going to those places anymore.

While I dressed "boyishly" in my youth, and have sometimes wished I didn't have a menstrual period or have desired the freedoms and privileges of men, I have never actually wanted to be male. I have always been comfortable in my own skin.

I fly the rainbow flag for those who, by no choice of their own, feel like something should be different about their bodies or appearance.

When friends came out to me, or shared feelings of being unsure about their sexuality, I was the one who had the easy job -- all I had to do was listen. I didn't have to speak great big giant words, wondering how they would be received.

I fly the rainbow flag for them. They were, are, so brave.

I am not here to say what is right or wrong, what should be voted "yes" or "no" in November.

I just know that I have never had the struggles of someone who has a less than popular sexual attraction within them, or who wishes a different gender upon themselves. I will never know their specific, aching pain.

I fly the flag because I have had it so easy, and so many others have had to suffer.

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