Friday, April 19, 2019

Another meditation/reflection/take-a-pause thing for your day

Here we are, Friends. Another night that our hearts circulated liquid and our lungs lifted gas and we woke up without incident. Wow.

I’m not being crass, I really do think it’s a sizable miracle that our lives remain alive day after day, because we all know how fragile life can be. So I don’t care if you’re in the crankiest of moods, do me a favor and take a moment to be grateful that you get to be alive today, and remember that the crankiness will abate and maybe tomorrow will be amazing and you get a chance to enjoy that. Go ahead, give thanks, I’ll wait.
Ahhh. Feeling better? Me three.
I began my morning with the usual, snuggling that cat. He loves to squish in close when I wake up, and I feel wrong letting up on the petting until he’s done purring, which is why I’m usually running out the door in a rush. But he could not be more worth it.
What’s worth it in your life? Adding storage space on your phone for pet photos? Earning a buck to feed your kids? Tending to your dream? Personally I struggle with the latter, but I’m trying to regain my focus.
Beyond coordinating the occasional bachelor or surprise birthday party, I’m not the most enthusiastic planner you’ll ever meet. While I’ve always been full of opinions and ideas, in many ways I let life happen to me, and I find a way to make the circumstances handed to me work. Growing up my family moved several times, and I really couldn’t put in a vote or protest that would stop us from loading up the U-Haul and driving to Colorado, then Missouri, then back to Kansas. While it’s definitely a strength that I’ve grown to make the best of things, I think it’s fair to say that my grasp of goal-setting and goal-achieving is a little off.
When I’m asked to plan my future, my self-esteem goes rigid. My confidence clocks out and I give up on even thinking that I might be able to go after something and get it. It’s unfortunate, and disheartening, and one of the worst feelings on planet earth to believe that one is wasting her education, skills, talent or time. I can imagine every one of us can relate on some level.
But guess what? Our lives are not wasted, nor are we a waste, though at times it may feel that way. You may not have a clear five-year plan of how you’re going to find things that feel like they’re missing. You may not really enjoy the work it takes to make change. You may not have a crowded vision board of cut-out words and pictures to inspire you; your head may just be full of nebulous longings and your heart may not have received the message yet that it’s aching for more.
Wherever you are, how-ever you are, whoever whatever whichever life you’re leading – it’s OK. It’s exactly as it should be, even if you hate it. Because life can be molded to look so different. Are you the same person you were in high school? Duh, totally not. But, well…a little bit the same, yeah? Your core – of silliness, bravery, perception, grit – is supremely sticky, very hard to remove, I don’t know if you know this. We might be able to wash off our teenage awkwardness, expunge offending photos of that ill-advised perm, but You? Your greatness? Your power and prowess and passion? Sorry, Honey, they ain’t gone anywhere in all this time.
So take heart today, if you can manage. And if you feel like you can’t, close your eyes for a moment and see yourself as a kid. Remember him, remember how he would spend a Saturday morning – what did he race off to do, so eager to engage, not worried about a time limit? Look back at your baby girl self in her pastel-painted bedroom. What did she want, what did she believe she could have before experience made her wary that maybe it wasn’t for sure a thousand percent possible to achieve?
Sit with that kiddo and give them love. Tell them their ideas are great, their energy an inspiration! Listen to their music, scan the posters on their wall, find their family dog and give him a pat; let him remember you with a lick of the fingers.
Then invite your youth to step into today with you. Feel that sticky core squish against your bones and let your essence effervesce around your bloodstream. Hang with Younger You, buy them an ice cream and get lost in the chatter of what you two – excuse me, you ONE – have always wanted.
Ready? Eyes open. Let’s do this.

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