Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Entertainment for the 'rents

Fairly soon here I'm going to have to go some weeks without my kitten at my side.


Here's why: I get a week off of school for Thanksgiving, which is too long to leave Diblets behind with a sitter when I go home. Thus he comes with me.

Problem: Diblets hates the car. He cries, sometimes he gets sick. All of this makes his mother either sick with worry or at least just very sad for her baby.

So last year I left him with the 'rents between Thanksgiving and winter break so that he wouldn't have to deal with extra car rides, and I'll be doing the same this year. I'm not looking forward to it, but I tell you this mostly to introduce you to the story I really want to tell you:

When I first came to school out here, we decided it would be less stressful on Dibbs and me to first move my stuff into my apartment and then retrieve Dibbs later. So he stayed with Mom and Dad for about 2 1/2 weeks while I got situated and made it through journalism 'boot camp,' and then I went to get him.

Blah blah blah.

Well sometime much later--I think it was this past spring or summer--I was at my parents' house and came across some photos of my Diblets.

While I am not my parents' youngest child, I was technically the last one to more or less permanently leave the nest, as I was still around after Riley Francis left for college. So keep in mind that when I started school out here it was M&D's first two weeks in a truly empty nest.

I think they might have been wondering what to do with themselves.

Because in these photos I found, Dibbs had been dressed in a t-shirt in one, posed to appear as if he were standing on a boogie board in another....there may have been more.

Dibbs wore similar expressions in each pic: not amused.

Well, at least Mom and Dad were amused.

Did I mention I love all three of them?

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