Thursday, March 1, 2018

February self care

February was a very full month. Socially, professionally, emotionally. I spent most of it being busy, tired, irritable. And also grateful, calm (sometimes), and happy.
I couldn't always slow the train of calendar items barreling at me, but nonetheless I did take several steps toward self care. Here's just a bit of what I did, and what you, too, can do for you. Be well, my friends.
I never missed a Tuesday open mic, because reading my work and listening to others' art feeds me.
I took more than one nap, I think, which is crazy, considering I average about three a year.
When I had a handful of hours between activities, I went home, snuggled in bed, snacked, cross stitched, read, and watched rom coms.
I drank water.
I meditated almost daily.
I had a meeting to discuss my time commitments and what I can realistically give going forward.
I started reading a long book of fiction by a gem of an author.
I surveyed just one level of my bookshelf and removed five books I knew I would never read. Goodwill, here we come.
Every morning I sat up and curled myself over the cat who kept my feet warm all night, paying him with scritches and kisses and words of love.
Instead of cramming to get myself ready, I rescheduled a meeting I wasn't prepared for.
I bought tickets to a concert for one of my all-time favorite artists.
I did not buy tickets for a concert that would bring Alex much joy, but that are $100 a pop.
I let the possibility of seeing Celine on my birthday be a real one, and emailed friends to gauge interest in being my dates to Vegas.
I ate two bowls of chili at the Superbowl party, because it was deeelicious.
I rarely counted calories or stepped on a scale.
Every time I arrived home, I took something out of my car, to slowly but surely empty it out.
I counted my blessings in times of high stress.
I wrote letters to people I love and bought stamps with tiny animals on them.
I ate at least one salad.
More importantly I ate much queso.
I called my parents.
I hiked. I took it slow when I needed to, and I talked to myself through long, deep breaths, reminding myself how great I was doing.
I snuck out of social gatherings when I was ready to go, saying goodbye to the host but not to all.
I wore makeup when I was into it, and didn't when I wasn't.
I made my bed a time or two.
I cleaned my bathroom.
And I wrote.
In some ways, I truly feel this is the best I've ever taken care of myself. Many of my environments are still messy, I still often feel stress, I can't always take things off the calendar that I want to. But I'm taking time to breathe, I'm consciously being grateful, and I'm recognizing my limits and doing what I can to keep my spirit healthy.
Much love,
Bailey and Max

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