Friday, February 2, 2018

Good things that graced my January

Zero library fines accrued (if you're a Brewer, you understand that this is an achievement)
Lunchtime library visits to pick up books on hold and peruse the YA section for additional treats
Didn't have to pack a suitcase or board an airplane
Spent lots of time cross stitching an adorable Winnie the Pooh pattern
Got reacquainted with my excessively large collection of rom com DVDs
Two very long walks -- just me, Pandora, and suburban sidewalks
My nephew did not grow out of his fat phase, and for this I am thankful
Communed with several talented artists at an open mic at one of my favorite bars
Happy hour date with Cat
Dinner date with Debbie
Writing date with Steph
Read "Milo" and "The Manny Files," two beautiful, hilarious books that together deserve 10 stars
Bought tickets to an Echosmith show, and validated my purchase as their songs made me smile
Reached my 1,000 minute meditation milestone with Headspace
Topanga shared this picture with the world
Did occasional yoga with a coworker during lunch, and giggled and breathed
Had some "shred" sessions at the gym, where pop music pushed me along the treadmill
Went to an outdoor baby shower where the weather was A+ perfect -- only in L.A.
My honey's Bills went to the playoffs
Sat with Chels during church
Wore a party hat at Alex's birthday and received warm greetings from strangers
Great conversation about writing, during which I was encouraged as an author
Lots of silly, sometimes ranty phone conversations with Nick
Got invited to a book club, to be hosted by a girl I adore
Listened to "Fight Song" approximately 13 times (at least)
Took myself out for chicken korma, and considered crashing the wedding next door in my jean jacket
Ate three PB&J's in one day
Bought the new Glen Hansard album
Gushed over the writing of a fantastic columnist
Found a robot tote bag, LEGO paper plates, and dry scalp shampoo for $1 a pop
Attended a bowling birthday fete and a bingo birthday celebration in the same weekend
Fuller House announced a fourth season
(Though I am yet to view), One Day at a Time dropped a new season of episodes
Got to be a first-time-pet-owner coach to a friend who was approved to adopt a fluffy rescue cat
Some friends went on vacation to Florida, and I felt like an honorary traveler thanks to text updates
Got to be a reader, writer, friend, daughter, sister, partner, feline lover, and a person in this life

1 comment:

  1. talks with broken Papa that cheered us both up. Thanks for gracing me.
