Sunday, October 16, 2011

An apology to my readers (those of you who are still reading the DB)

Dear friends,

Funny things are happening in my life.

Spiritual things are happening.

Things are being accomplished.

Thoughts are being thought.

And things are being written.

They're just not being written here, as of late, most of the time.

I so want to tell you all a story involving my cat, my oven, and my landlord (don't worry, no one was hurt) that happened here tonight, but I want to tell you in a funny, eloquent way that I know I'm capable of.

But I'm entering student grades online. And it's after midnight. And I'm hungry (I think, I'm not even sure). And I haven't gathered the trash, nor taken it outside. And I have another thing to post online for class by 9 am tomorrow. And I've overdrafted my bank account. And I have several assignments this week that I haven't started.

And I am sincerely grateful to God that my anxiety is under pretty good control at this moment in time. And I'm grateful that while my anxiety level was pretty high this past week, that I made it through. And I am praying for peace of mind in the days, weeks, and months ahead because this train of work is just going to keep coming and I have to keep getting stuff done.

And so...I can't tell you the story about the oven, and the cat, and one of my two awesome landlords just yet.

By the way, the cat is investigating the oven again...let me just give you the nutshell version: I'm afraid there might be a creature in there; with the oven turned on, nothing escaped, but now with the oven off again there is still a noise...

So I miss you guys, my audience, in some cases my friends (maybe some people I don't actually know in the audience? Raise your hands...). I hate that I'm not providing you with content. But as a writer, one of my pet peeves is shitty writing.

I don't want to provide you with shitty writing.

And the hours are just getting away from me.

So I'm sorry. Thank you for reading. I want to get back to the writing for you ASAP. Maybe I can get you a good (or good-ish) post every day during my Thanksgiving break.


Please be patient. Please read me when I'm back on the blogging radar (unless you don't like my writing, then maybe you shouldn't; I don't want to force you to read something you don't like). In the meantime I am on the journalistic radar (see yesterday's post for links. Oh, look at that, I posted two days in a row. Been a while since that had happened).


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