Friday, January 27, 2012


I'm trying on this new lifestyle. 

It's that of a grown up. 

This entails such things as keeping a routine, keeping things tidy, washing dishes more often than...well, just more often. 

It also involves limiting the caffeine intake. 

My office has free--tasty--coffee, which is fantastic. In the morning I of course have a cup. Duh.

Well in the afternoon sometimes I go for a cup of decaf, to feed the need but to do so only in part. 

Well, friends, Fridays are followed by our friend Saturday, and you know what Saturday means, yes? 

That's right, sleeping in. 

Which in turn means that a strict bedtime is not enforced on Friday evenings. 

Which means that Bailey gets a little rambunctious, shall we say, on certain Friday afternoons, and goes ahead and makes herself a cup of full caf. 

Aw, yeah. 

I called Riley on MLK Day from the gym and asked if he was enjoying his holiday. I told him that I had dined on some Raisin Bran and then got started in the exercise department and joked about how I really know how to party, basically, when given a day off.

He didn't find the Raisin Bran too humorous, actually, but rather mentioned that it sounded delicious.

And to be fair, I'm not sure Dr. King would have frowned on such healthy choices. 

But to be clear, this post is not to make me out to be a healthy do-gooder, but rather, boring.* 

Then again you probably already knew that. 

*Not that if you're healthy I deem you boring. Those are not always paired traits. Though, sometimes...I'm going to get myself in trouble if I finish that thought.

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