Monday, January 30, 2012


I've been given the delightful task of reviewing books for Religion News Service to complete my master's project. 

I've found that as I read these books, inevitably, at some point I get curious what each author's voice sounds like. And when I read Mark and Grace Driscoll's "Real Marriage," I was interested to see how they interacted, so I looked up some videos of them together. 

I am currently reading Eric Weiner's "Man Seeks God," and as I am quite enjoying his book I was a little nervous that I might find his voice to be off-putting. 

Voice, I'm discovering, is very powerful to me. I was in an otherwise quiet lounge the other day and there was a guy in there talking and he had a deep voice. Too deep for my tastes. Now, to be fair, I was hungry at the time. But hearing this voice that was not soothing to me was not helping my irritability. 

Similarly I find it comforting to listen to someone preach who has a voice of a register that calms me down, or makes me happy. Obviously if someone is saying something I greatly disagree with, I may not feel calm and thus might not choose to regularly attend that church, but if I trust the person and generally agree with his or her musings or instructions, then I find that oftentimes it is comforting for me just to hear his or her voice, even if I am not paying very good attention, or any at all. 

I am happy to report that I find Eric Weiner's voice to be appealing. And his latest book is quite funny. 

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