Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What makes me laugh?

Good evening, kids. At a loss for a topic today, I googled "topics to write about" and was directed to a link with, well, topics to write about. I looked at the first list and thought, "these are good," then realized I was looking at a list of topics for first graders to write about. Oh, well. Here goes: What makes me laugh?

-when Brad tells me to "calm down"
-when my Dad calls me "Bling Bling" (including when washing my hands at a sober Maundy Thursday service at his church)
-when Patrick leaves messages on my answering machine in a British accent
-Bill Cosby, ALWAYS
-when Anne Lamott drops the F-bomb
-when Riley says "12 PACK!"
-radio DJs
-cute boys who tease me
-the young adult novel "Wonder" by Rachel Vail
-Sarah's matter-of-factness
-when Nick's dad imitates me serving a volleyball
-when my manager at work tries to explain something to me and I don't get it
-the scene in the movie "Selena" where Selena's dad calls her bustier a "bra with little sprinkly things on it"
-when a customer gets lippy at Starbucks and Tahlia says to the other baristas, "This guy needs his Frappuccino down his pants"
-this summer when a comedian said to me, "You're like a gay man trapped in a woman's body, aren't you?" Classic.

1 comment:

  1. is Jim included in the "cute boys who tease me" bit?
