Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It amazes me that there are ENFPs (Extroverted INtuitive Feeling Perceptive on the Myers-Briggs personality indicator) and OCDs (so-called "obsessive compulsives," type A personalities, control freaks) all in the same world. Why there can't be balance baffles me. I can't seem to accomplish any one task because my mind is so distracted all the time and so prone to leisure, while I have friends who can't seem to enjoy their cup of coffee if there is a crumb on the table in front of them. Amazing. Frustrating. Sometimes just downright funny, but today, frustrating. I want some of what they've got (the ability to finish my chores), and they want some of what I've got (the ability to not sweat the small stuff, to enjoy the moment). I guess I shouldn't insult God's creation, because I do believe His creation is beautiful and amazing, but I'm human, I can't help but ask questions.

1 comment:

  1. I finally took the test and I'm an INFP. :)
