Monday, February 25, 2013

Camp the Champ

You probably don't know who Colleen Camp is.

But here's why I'm so excited about Colleen Camp. Three simple reasons:

1. She's in The Baby-Sitters Club movie. She plays Stacey McGill's mother.

You might remember her asking Stacey whether or not she ate before she went on a hike with Luca, the hottie hott from Europe.

"Wait, did you eat?"
"Yeah, I grabbed a muffin."
"When did you grab a muffin? I didn't see you grab a muffin."
"I put it in my bag!"

2. She's in Wayne's World. She plays Noah Vanderhoff's (as in, the owner of Noah's Arcade and the sponsor of "Wayne's World") wife.

She came up with the name for Noah's Arcade.

"I just opened my mouth and out it came!" she says.

3. She's in Valley Girl. She plays Julie Richman's mother.

In this film she plays a hippie. Big surprise.

There is a scene where her daughter comes home and she is in a yoga-ish pose that displays her white undies through her '80s leggings. Come on. What a bizarro scene--but Colleen Camp can act it out like a champ, and then go on to star in such additional film greats as Wayne's World and The Baby-Sitters Club.

Clearly, this is all you need to know about Colleen Camp to understand why I think she's great. I mean, this is a triple whammy of great films.

I just noticed she's in Clue, too, which I haven't seen but have wanted to for several years and would probably greatly enjoy.

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