Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tea Time

Kansas, we have a success. A baking success.

The way I cook, (when I cook), is to scavenge through the kitchen, find one ingredient, then head to the internet to find a recipe involving that ingredient. My standards for a considerable recipe are: can be a challenge, but must be doable, and must be likely to taste at least somewhat good.

There have been some flops. A cream based vegetable soup, curried water chestnuts (a big letdown, as I love curry and water chestnuts), and a rice krispie-chocolate chip cookie hybrid thing. Yeah, that last one definitely didn't work out.

But there have been some real winners along the way as well. Just last week I made a recipe that I found from a resident of Bethlehem, which I have made multiple times now. It has rice, black beans, and garbanzo beans, with chicken broth and turmeric, cumin, coriander, and cayenne pepper. Enough said, right? Stir in some plain yogurt--done.

Well last week I opened the vegetable keeper and discovered that we have carrots upon carrots upon carrots. And then I headed to Google. I successfully used eight ounces of those carrots today, which means we still have heaps of orange in our fridge, but hey, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one cup of carrots. I found a delightful/hilarious website devoted to carrots, and from there I found a "biscuit" recipe--essentially an oatmeal raisin cookie recipe with some grated carrots added.

Today I set up shop in the kitchen, turned on some Duffy to support the British mood, and got to work. Dad helped me set up the food processor (another step of progress in my life as a cooking adult--pat on the back), and I greatly enjoyed beating together the honey, eggs, vanilla, and oil--the four make a paste delightfully pleasing to the eye and nose. When I mixed the liquid, oats, carrots, and raisins together, well honestly it looked like vomit. I showed Riley and he snickered; then I tried a spoonful and he wouldn't try it with me. He had just gone for a run, so I let it slide because I often feel like vomiting after running when presented with any food, let alone such that resembles upchuck. I told him as I spooned the goop onto trays, "Well, if they taste awful we'll call them sh*t biscuits."

Luckily! The cookie biscuits are awesome! And there is no sugar or butter in them! They are amazing. Mom, Dad, and Riley all enjoyed their samples. I have three placed in a plastic baggie for my breakfast tomorrow morning. My apologies, Domesticity, for ignoring you all these years. Welcome into my life.

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