Saturday, August 14, 2010


I have a new best friend. Okay, maybe the "best" title is too much.

His name is "User Manual." Maybe I should change it to User Manuel, because I have a feeling we're in this for the long haul, and a romantic Spanish pet name might be appropriate.

This week, a curious symbol appeared on my phone. It looked to me like nothing more than a small blue square. All I knew was that I was pretty sure it hadn't been there the last time I had looked at my phone. I tried pressing buttons, but to no avail.

So I turned to Manuel.

Who told me that the little blue square was in fact an indicator that I had missed a call. Thanks, Manuel.

Today I ran into a whole new icon-identification problem. This time there was a little blue (faceless) torso displayed on my phone, with some triangulated lines pointing away from his or her head. Wanting to be sure that this didn't mean an alien had tried to contact me, I turned yet again to, yes, you guessed it.


Who informed me that I had not one, but two new voicemails. (Note: it is my understanding that the alien-like blue torso will appear when there is only one voicemail as well, but I will have to test this theory to be sure.)

One message was from Dad, the other from Mom. In case you're wondering.

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