Thursday, June 4, 2009

I Got All my Sistas with Me!

I would be an entirely different person if I had a sister.

Not better, not worse, just so entirely different.

I am fascinated by sister relationships. In a lot of ways I think that they are more difficult and complicated than brother-sister or brother-brother relationships. I truly salute those sisters in the world who try to make their relationships work, who respect each other, honor each other even when it is their instinct to envy one another. In fact I certainly respect all siblings who are truly friends. I realize that is an extremely difficult reality in many cases, and takes many years for most to achieve (and was certainly true of me and my brothers), and I don't have disrespect for those who don't get along with their siblings. But I do think it is so important to keep contact with our brothers and sisters (and if we don't have any, to find surrogate sibs in the world). It's such a unique bond that God has given to us, and I pray for all of you that you can realize and get the opportunity to enjoy that.

So go give your nearest sib a kiss and a hug. (And for those of you without them, call me! Ahem, Braden--you know the number).

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