Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Tonight I got home from the gym and went to take a shower. After 3 minutes, the water was still cold. I called my dad. He walked me through relighting the pilot light. I figured it out, I got the water heater working again, I was proud.

I walked away, heated up some dinner, and called Brad, as I had to wait a while for the water to effectively heat up. We talked. I went back to check on the flame. Extinguished. I called Dad again. He said, "try it again." I tried again. The pilot light lit but wouldn't stay lit, after multiple tries. I called Corie's parents, went over to use their shower.

I have no hesitation in declaring that I am pissed right now. At the water heater, at life, at everything. Sorry to be unable to provide you with a chipper post today, but if the Daily Bailey is to be truthful, it must be honest.

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