Saturday, August 1, 2009

Barack. Beer. Brad.

I asked Brad yesterday if he had seen the cover of The New York Times. The picture on the front was of Barack and Joe having a beer.

Brad, my extremely informed friend who amazes me every day with his extended knowledge, went ahead and explained the entire story of Henry Louis Gates. When he was finished he got quiet, then said,

"...Sorry. You probably just wanted to know what kind of beer they had."

And then he went ahead and told me what kind of beer they each had. Which I loved, and put in my two cents, for sure, because there was a Blue Moon involved. Mmmmm

While we were on the phone discussing this, high heels, and other topics of note, Brad went into Five Guys to order a burger. I heard a guy call out his order, "42!," and Brad said, "Thank you." Then to himself, kind of to me, he said, "Ooh, one of my favorite presidents." Uninformed (but in my defense not completely naive, definitely opinionated, caring about things that matter, and voting citizen) me, says, "What?"

Brad: "Bill Clinton, 42nd president."

To this all I could say was, "You. Are. Adorable." It's so true. Just try to deny it.