Sunday, May 29, 2011


So when I have people over, I usually get the majority of my place picked up, and then shove together a little goody bag of random stuff that's lying around in a plastic shopping bag and stick it somewhere behind a chair or something.

Well a particular corner of my apartment had been growing into a little colony of these bags, so I've spent some time this evening dumping out their contents and finding homes for the stuff.

I found earrings, dishes, paper clips, receipts, lip balm, blah blah blah.

I was doing a lot of the sorting on my bed, which was stripped of its sheets, while simultaneously washing my sheets.

And then I had a bed covered in stuff, but not covered in sheets, and a girl who was over being a participant in an organizing party.

Yup, the stuff on the bed went right back on the floor (somewhat removed, distance wise, from the corner.

But the majority of the plastic bag/junk breeding ground is under control. Rest easy, friends.

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