Wednesday, May 25, 2011


You know how some people just know a whole bunch of stuff?

Granted, I think my/our perception of the prevalence of such persons is perhaps a little swayed by such TV characters as Rory Gilmore and Sheldon Cooper, but there are still some sponge minds out there. And I mean sponge as in they absorb and retain tons of detailed info, not that they are only as intelligent as a sea sponge.

Well sometimes I want to be one of those people who knows a bunch of stuff.

But then I sit and watch hours of TV.

Granted, if you've seen the film "Wordplay" (and you SHOULD; it's sooo good), and/or are a crossword puzzler yourself, then you might know that in order to conquer such (diagonally symmetrical*) squares you need to know pop culture in addition to your general smarts.

So my point is that my knowledge of Khloe Kardashian's possible infertility, Luke Danes' curly haired photographer ex-girlfriend Rachel, Ross Gellar's air purifier, and the disco ball that is a recent addition to Craig Ferguson's desk is not exactly molding me into a bookish know-it-all, but it is taking care of that ridiculous knowledge circuit of the brain. There is one of those, right? Let's ask Rory (never mind that I have a degree in Psychology).

*Yep, learned that from the film. Now you're intrigued, aren't ya? Go watch it! So interesting and funny!

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