Monday, May 18, 2009

Six Times Four

So this weekend is my 24th birthday. A month or two ago I was organizing a cabinet, and came across a package of birthday candles, unopened. Number of candles in the package? 24. Holla! Which has me wondering, what are some other things that come in nice packages of 24, or maybe should come in packages of 24....(this might be a boring and/or short list, this is an experiment, be forewarned)

-crayons (duh)
-beer, Coke/Dr. Pepper (if you're not a lush you know that obvi these items usually come in 12 packs, but if you know where to look you can find the big packs)
-hours in a day
-2 bakers' dozens of donuts (minus the 2 you eat in the car)
-24 Hour Fitness, my gym!!
-24 days in December to get pumped for Christmas before the actual day (also, 24 days to eat cookies, drink hot chocolate, and watch Christmas movies without being too harshly judged by others)

things that maybe should come in 24's:

-cute men (i.e., 24 men walking into Starbucks at once, I'd be okay with that. I was just watching the Bachelorette at the gym, and this chick got 25 men at once--that's quite a gig)
-hours in a work week (with 40-hour a week pay)
-PICKLES ON JUST ONE SANDWICH (for those of you not in the loop, NO I am not prego, but YES I am currently obsessed with pickles)
-cd's given to me on my upcoming birthday
-dollars in my pocket
-hugs received per day
-positive comments spoken aloud by one's coworkers during each shift
-days of an average out-of-state vacation

What do you think should come in 24?


  1. 24 cats?! really bailey? You want 24 cats? Or what does this even mean?! I mean. REALLLY Bailey!??

    2ndly, "currently obsessed with" = "my boom" in japanese. really. For example, my boom is pickles. Oh? Neat, my boom is joyrides.

  2. my boom is CAROLYN!!!!!!!!!!

  3. i could deal with 24 cute men....good call.
