Saturday, January 29, 2011

Happy 1-5-0, KS!

Kansas party: success.

I feel all guests left a little more educated than when they arrived, several (namely our California visitors) left more aware of tornado safety precautions in particular.

We also enjoyed sunflower seeds, wheat beer, and The Wizard of Oz in the background without sound. We ate "puppy chow," made with peanut butter. (George Washington Carver, a Kansan, who did not actually invent peanut butter, was known for his scientific work with peanuts.)

I asked the people at Pizza Hut today for a box to decorate with, because Pizza Hut originated in Wichita, Kansas.

I dispelled the rumor about a supposed on-set death of one of the Munchkins in a scene of Oz. It's a bird, peeps. A live bird.

Annnd, that covers it for the most part. Time to bed for Dorothy.

A bientot.

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